1·Can not write to it, put the poem Mr. Wen Yiduo song it adds.
2·On Dance is one of the essays by Wen Yiduo in his typology of art.
3·Wen Yiduo rose to his full height and refused to submit to the enemy.
4·Wen Yiduo was a poet, a scholar as well as a fighter. These three personalities formed a dialectical unity on him.
5·As early as 1930s, Mr. Wen Yiduo had already completed his mythology research while he worked as a teacher in this University.
早在20 世纪30年代,闻一多先生的神话学研究就是在青岛山东大学任教期间完成的。
6·Wen Yiduo was the advocate of Chinese New Metrical Poems and translating poetry with vernacular Chinese in the early 20th century.
7·Wen Yiduo′s colourful poems belong to the Western poetic style. Nevertheless, the subjects of his colourful poems are traditionally Chinese.
8·"Three beauty" theory put forward by Wen Yiduo, including the beauty of music, painting and architecture, is an important pioneering insight.
9·From the happy vagrant and anguished exiled prisoner to anxious inquirer, the poetic subject shows the change of Wen Yiduo s poetic emotions.
10·Individual in the society is equal to the cells of the body, to the body of a person sound, needless to say to every cell of sound. — Wen Yiduo.